Dispatch to San Rafael, Talca and surrounding areas every day.

We are from the Maule Region.

Andes Journey

Shamanic Journey to Los Andes Sacred Mountains

The new home of the Earth’s Kundalini

Trip Date: February 7-16, 2025

Trip Information

“Every 13,000 years on Earth a sacred and secret event takes place that changes everything. Mother Earth’s Kundalini Energy emerges from its resting place in the planet’s core and moves like a snake across the surface of our world. This time, the Serpent of Light has moved to its new location high up in the Andes Mountains in Chile, the new home of the Earth’s Kundalini, the new Tibet’’.

Journey on horseback guided by Arrieros, spending time with horses will allow you to feel in your heart the meaning of companionship, achieving mutual trust and respect through language and love.

The Shamanic Journeys through sacred ceremonies as Active Meditation with Shamanic Drums, Rites of Rejuvenation, Sacred Geometry Labyrinth Consecration, Soul Healing Circle, will allow you to: Practise the physical coordination, establish the emotional stability and extend the coordination to the mental body, helping with this to the alignment of the bodies- physical, emotional and mental.

We will be located in the middle of the ancestral Andes Mountains at 3000 mt. Experience Chilean nature; Lakes, ponds, waterfalls, pools of water, rivers, swamps, volcanoes, lava, snow fields, ice fields, lookouts; the silence of night under the amazing stars with activities including hiking, horseback riding, livestock chores, excursions and night bathing.

Due to the intensity of this journey, there will be a maximum of 10 persons who can participate.

Our 10-day trip will depart in Santiago, from where the first day we leave to the south, toward San Rafael (San Rafael is a town and commune of the Talca Province in the Maule Region of Chile), where we travel accompanied by the majestic Andes Mountains to our side, passing by Chimbarongo (In mapudungun language means "Place between mists"), famous for the development of handicrafts in wicker; arriving in the afternoon to the traditional Hacienda San Rafael, where we will be the first 3 days of our trip.

In these three days we will have ceremonies of gratitude and connection with our Mother Earth, individual and collective healing, and recreational activities.

The fourth day we will begin the journey on horseback guided by Arrieros that will lead us to a place in the vastness, pristine wilderness and the heights of the Los Andes Mountains, where we will be 6 days immersed in the nature, nourish our spirit, experiencing the wholeness, through Ceremonies and Circles of Meditation, Healing, Connection and Gratitude, and Recreational Activities, such as Horseback Riding, Livestock Chores, Hiking, Excursions.

Trip Overview

We invite you to join this spiritual journey allowing the soul to be manifested, leaving your footprint on earth.

Delve into nature; nurture your soul, experience wholeness and serve humanity.

Journey on horseback guided by Arrieros, spending time with horses will allow you to feel in your heart the meaning of companionship, achieving mutual trust and respect through language and love.

The Shamanic Journeys through sacred ceremonies will allow you to: Practise the physical coordination, establish the emotional stability and extend the coordination to the mental body, helping with this to the alignment of the bodies- physical, emotional and mental.

We will be located in the middle of the ancestral Andes Mountains at 3000 m, the new home of the Earth’s Kundalini Energy

Trip Highlights

Journey on horseback guided by Arrieros

Six days at Andes Mountains at 3000 m. to explore and sightsee

Healer will perform private ceremonies with our group

Active Meditation with Shamanic Drums & Shamanic Journey

5 Tibetans Rites meditation activity; holistic meditation for your physical, emotional and mental bodies

Building of a Sacred Labyrinth walk, Leave Your Footprint on Earth

Feel the blessing to be part in soul rituals, teachings, labyrinth walking and shamanic ceremonies in this place of heavenly beauty

Experience the silence of the night under the amazing stars

Local Arrieros will supplement our own staff to lend insight into the culture and the stories of the area

Mules will transport all your gear during the horseback riding, to make the journey more enjoyable

Porters will help you during the trip and our stay in the mountains

Sufficient time to comfortably adapt to the higher altitude

Enjoy the Traditional Chilean Gastronomy, a cook will accompany us during our stay in the Andes Mountains

* Yerba Mate- Traditional tea drink.

* Asado al palo – Whole roast lamb cooked on a spit, “a la brasa barbeque”

* Chancho en Piedra - A typical Chilean seasoning. Tomatoes, garlic, and onions grounded together in a stone

* Arrollado de Chancho - Chunks of pork wrapped in pork fat smothered in red ají (chili)

* Caldo baquiano –Baquiano broth

* Charqui – Jerky

* Tortillas al rescoldo – Tortillas to embers

Trip Itinerary for February 7-16, 2025

February 7th / DAY 1


Dinner-Accommodation Hacienda San Rafael

February 8th-9th / DAYS 2-3


Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner- Accommodation

February 10th – 14th / DAYS 4-5-6-7-8


Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner: Cook-up

Accommodation in Tent

February 15th / DAY 9


Breakfast-Lunch: Cook-up

Dinner-Accommodation: Hacienda San Rafael

February 16th / DAY 10


Breakfast-Lunch-Return to Santiago


My time with Daniel and Violeta in Los Andes Mountains was very very very special. I don’t think that words can fully capture my experience. One word comes to mind: Breathtaking…

The land, the energy and the horses brought me to a very special place inside my heart.

Thank you :-)


My experience by the cordillera was a connection of my senses with the nature, my eyes filled with nature all the time, see things that I had never seen in the sky, in the earth, in the mountains, mineralized water which nature gives you…


The trip to the Cordillera was a totally unique experience which combined spirituality and freedom. A true retreat into the soul, it permitted me to make realisations, decisions and come into touch with my true self. Now, less than a year after the trip, I am still having positive effects and impressions (samskara) as a result of the experience. An unforgettable experience which is one-in-a-lifetime.

Caju Cashoo

During the course of my life, I’ve been several times in the Andes Mountains, but this time it feels something completely different, a different kind of attraction toward nature and the place, a very strong connection from my inside, we felt the presence of the Mother Earth’s Kundalini Energy; the journey on horseback toward the interior of the mountains lets you feel how this powerful animal radiates and surrounds you with its powerful energy and accompanies you to your inner journey.

This Shamanic Journey allow you through all the sacred ceremonies that are performed in the middle of the ancestral Andes Mountains and the wonderful nature, the alignment of your bodies, physical, emotional and mental.

I invite everyone to join this spiritual journey, allowing the soul to be manifested, leaving a footprint on the Earth.

Love & Light

Daniel F.

Los Andes Mountains

I did this trip in April 2012, we were blessed with the wonderful weather and beautiful landscapes. On a personal level you don’t realize the growth that a person can get and reflect in this marvellous experience. I would like to thank Daniel and all his staff for making the trip as comfortable as possible.

I highly recommend this spiritual experience.

Kind Regards,


“This trip was an extraordinary journey into the pristine wilderness of the Los Andes and my own soul. Moments spent in this divine place where unlike anything I had experienced before. I made beautiful friends and was guided by the loving leaders of the trip and our magnificent horses to reflect on my true essence and what my soul was really calling for me to express.

The mountains, rivers and wild flowers were breath taking; I have travelled all over the world but must say there is something unique about this place. I feel blessed to have partaken in soul rituals, teachings, labyrinth walking and shamanic ceremonies in this place of heavenly beauty.

Thank you to Daniel and Violeta for such a magical adventure.”



Pricing and Requirements

Trip Date: February 7-16, 2025

Total Investment: AUD 1,950 / CH$1.220.000

Trip is limited to only 10 persons

Your Self Investment Plan:

Investment One: AUD 975.00 Due Now to Reserve Spot / CH$610.000

Investment Two: AUD 975.00 Due December 31, 2024 / CH$610.000


Trip Date: December 5-14, 2025

Total Investment: AUD 2,100 / CH$1.350.000

Trip is limited to only 10 persons

Your Self Investment Plan:

Investment One: AUD 1,050.00 Due September 30, 2025 to Reserve Spot / CH$675.000

Investment Two: AUD 1,050.00 Due October 31, 2025 / CH$675.000



How to Book

We recommend booking well in advance by sending a non-refundable deposit of 50% of the Retreat Price. The booking confirmation will include the exact deposit amount required and the due date of final payment. Receipt of deposit will be taken as an understanding by Manos Healing Centre that the customer has checked their confirmed travel arrangements and has read and agrees to abide by the terms and conditions set forth in the “Shamanic Journey to Los Andes Mountains 2025” leaflet.

Cancellations and Refunds-Land Arrangements

If you decide to cancel your Retreat or you are unable to travel Manos Healing Centre will refund the amount you have paid less our reasonable cost and any cancellation fees imposed by others suppliers.

It is likely that others suppliers’ cancellation fees will be greater when cancellation takes place closer to the departure date. If you notify us of cancellation more than 60 days before departure, then the cancellation charges are likely to only be the loss of your deposit. If you notify us of cancellation less than 60 days before departure, the cancellation charges may be up to 100% of the total booking cost. No refunds are available for unused services after departure from original city.

Costs not included in prices shown

Airfares unless otherwise stated, visa and Passport costs, travel insurance, excess baggage, airport departure taxes, local government taxes and charges such as bed tax and city tax, laundry, postage, phone calls, fax/mail charges, beverages, items of a personal nature, tips and meals not mentioned on itinerary.

Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is not included in any of the prices quoted in this document “Shamanic Journey to Los Andes Mountains”, Booking Conditions. We recommend that you purchase travel insurance from your travel agent at the time of booking to cover yourself against loss of monies paid in the event of cancellation due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances; as well as for medical expenses, loss of luggage and other expenses incurred whilst overseas.

International Travel

You are responsible for all immigration, Passport, visa, health, quarantine and customs laws, regulations, orders, demands or other requirements of countries visited or transited. Official travel advice issued by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is available by calling (in Australia) 1300 555 135 or visiting their website www.dfat.gov.au. We recommend that you review this information both prior to making your booking and prior to departure.

Language & Learning Spanish

Chileans speak Spanish with a strong accent but the language is basically the same with some different uses of words, as in Australian and American.

Anyone who has the opportunity to learn Spanish before visiting will benefit greatly from the effort and work put in. Many Chileans speak a little English, but it is rarer in the countryside or among the local people who work as guides for horse riding. Their skills lie elsewhere, but they are mostly good at non-verbal communication, coming from a background where reading and writing fluently is not the norm.

Basic phrases and words for horse riding.

Horse = Caballo

Reins= Riendas

Stirrups = Estribos

Saddle = Montura

Short = Corto/Corta

Shorten your reins = Acorta las riendas

Shorter stirrups = Estribos más cortos

Longer stirrups =Estribos más largos

¿Confortable? = Cómodo?

Up = Subir (as in subir a caballo: mount / subir la montaña: go up)

Down=Bajar (as in bajar del caballo: dismount / bajar la montaña: go down)

Left = Izquierda

Right = Derecha

Useful slangs to survive in Chile

Cachai? = Do you understand?

Chela = Beer

Bacan = Cool

La raja = Cool / Great

Weon = Stupid / Mate / Dude (meaning depends on context)

Wea = Stuff

Carrete = Party

Cuatico = Weird

Mula = Fake

Ni cagando = No way

Pajero = Lazy

Copete = Alcoholic drink

Piscola = Pisco + coke

Our Guides

Violeta del Carmen Araya

Co-creator of Manos Healing Centre, Sintergetica-Soul Medicine; the Circle of the Mountain Dreamers (Promote the wisdom of the Indigenous Ancestors) and the Wise Women Circle: “Andiosas Marianas” in Peru, Chile, Argentina & Australia

  • Practices group and individual sessions oriented to promote, transform and focus the energies with the purpose of harmonize the body, mind and spirit.
  • Carrying out vibratory therapies, making people open up to their creativity and self-knowledge in order to renew their health.
  • Her therapeutic base is the Sintergetica Medicine, Sintergetica is the synthesis of occidental (material), chinese (energetic), homeopathic (energetic, informational), ayurvedic (informational), acupuncture, floral therapy, sacred geometry, herbaria medicine, ancestral and shamanic medicine, and others medicine forms.

The combination of matter, energy and information encompasses consciousness and hence Sintergetica is best described as consciousness medicine. Sintergetica therapies are designed to bring about simultaneous physical, etheric, astral and mental changes.

She begins her Spiritual Studies at the age of 17; she studied Theology for Novices, Philippines Nuns, Chile. In 1991 it is certified in Career Education for Women, Blacktown College of TAFE, Sydney, Australia.

In 1993, she studied Psychology at the Academy of Christian Humanism University, Chile. In 1998 studied Healing in the Without Name Academy, Master Ivan Taborga, Chile.

In 1998 in a Spiritually Drums Ceremony receives its Shamanic Initiation, Native Center of Toronto, Canada. In 2001 it is certified in “Vibration to Vitality”, The Institute for Shamanic Psychotherapy, Toronto, Canada.

In the year 2004 in a Sintergetica Seminar dictated by Dr. Jorge Carvajal Posada, creator of the Sintergetica Medicine, is invited to present a Healing Ancestral Technical through of the Shamanic Drum Sound, Diego Portales Hall, Santiago, Chile

Between 2005 and 2012 made the Sintergetica Medicine Studies.

As part of the group of Sintergetica Medicine of Chile, directed by Dr. Claudio Méndez, participates in the practice of Sintergetica in the Integrative Medicine Unit of the San Jose Hospital and in the Children’s Cancer Treatment Unit of the Calvo Mackenna Hospital, from May 2005 until February 2007, date on which assumes a commitment to expand this Medicine of the Consciousness in Australia.

Since 2010 assumes the responsibility of being the Focal Point of Pedagooogy 3000: Education for the 3rd Millennium Children in Australia, Pedagogy 3000 is an educational tool aimed at a whole human being from a practical approach, generating a new pedagogical consciousness for the third millennium. It is based on the current needs of children and young people today, focused on the new paradigms of the third millennium and what the future society requires. It encourages holistic educational processes in all its dimensions, as well as an integral development of the human being and society.

Violeta offers an inspirational, professional and heart connected space where a variety of holistic, healing or conscious awareness activities including energy healing sessions, workshops, weekly classes, shamanic drumming and full moon gatherings are held.

  • Energy Healing – Group Session, the group healing sessions are held by sintergetica practitioners and people that want to participate in the process of giving love and light to a brother/sister going through an instance of learning, manifested by a physical, emotional and/or mental dis-ease. These are also a good opportunity for you to come and experience this holistic/integrative medicine that is Sintergetica.

  • Lectures, Monitoring in Sintergetica Medicine, lectures give an Introduction to Sintergetica, The objective of these lectures is to prepare the student for the Formation in Complementary Medicines from the Integral Vision of Sintergetica.

  • Energy Healing Private Sessions, Sintergetica Medicine is a conception of life and at the same time a medical system, that works with different disciplines and philosophies of health, in collaborative form and in harmony among itself, with the purpose that the patient, that is in that instance of learning, called illness, find the keys that permit him to be connected with his soul, and from his soul, generate the restorative and healing processes that his body requires.

  • Wise Women Circle: Andiosas Marianas, this gathering is to honour Women, expressing our Soul and Self allowing us to feel grounded and connected to the Ancestral energy through is the Shaman’s way, bringing us back into our heart manifesting healing and creative energy. Include chanting, dancing, drumming, ceremony, speaking, meditation and goddess tarots.

  • Full Moon Gathering, when we come together we create a Soul group that is in direct synchronicity with the Universal cosmic flow. These gatherings are held with the intention to place ourselves at service together with other groups all around the world to assist all as one, in one of the month’s most shifting, integrating and trans mutating day; the full moon, this is a time of high energy renewal for our planet and society and when we come together we create a soul group that is in direct synchronicity with the cosmic energy flow, we allow our being to be its essence; to heal, to play, to sing and dance to the beat of the drums, to send love into the world and to be part of the solution to live in awareness, knowing who we are.

  • Psychological Tarot, to spiritually assist with Vocational guidance, Vision and life purpose, Challenging emotional decisions. Be guided to find authentic self and strength to master life conflicts with love through Channellings, Past lives, Vibrational Therapies, Shamanic Drums.

  • Shamanic Journey Workshops, through a number of shamanic ceremonies you will get the opportunity to explore some or all of the following, the choice will be yours;

Healing through Sacred Drums

• Healing of the being through Sintergetica Medicine (soul medicine)

• Offering and receiving; Sacred ceremonies with Pachamama (earthmother)

• Opening your heart centre and expression of your 5th chakra with harmony and synchronicity.

• Shamanic Journey to reconnect with forgotten knowledge, animal totems and the inner shaman.

• Recovering our ancestral feminine wisdom, active intelligence, kundalini energy.

• Discover the oracle within.

  • Sound Healing with Andino Shamanic Drumming and Rain Instrument, experience profound peace, reconnect with yourself and Ancestral knowledge.

  • Shamanic Drums Workshops, shamanic practice gives you the opportunity to travel the spiritual realms. Here you will meet your totems, guardians and teachers. As your soul is not new to the earth, these practices will test you and your past life experience. You’ll make connections and receive teachings in the Lower, Middle and Higher realms. We teach many different shamanic practices that will help you discover your Key to Happiness.

  • Meditation / Rejuvenation Exercises, we’ve been practicing, teaching and recommending the Five Tibetan Energy Rejuvenation Exercises for over 10 years. You can do the whole routine in 15 minutes and only need enough floor space for your body while lying down and enough air space for your arms to be outstretched.

  • Space Healing, space Healing is particularly effective if you have moved into a new home, but feel as if you don’t quite belong there; if you want to move, but can’t find a buyer, or can’t find a the right property for yourself; if you feel you are stuck in your life and want to move on; if you are experiencing relationship difficulties; if you are expecting a new baby and want everything to be ‘just right’ for their arrival.

  • Bush Flower Essences

Part of their Studies and Learning includes:

Certificate in Manos, Sciences of Healing, Sintergetica Medicine, Santiago, Chile, 2012

Pedagooogy 3000: Education for the 3rd Millennium Children, Internal Training, Argentina, 2012

Aged Care Certificate, TAFE, Sydney Institute, Australia, 2012

Senior First Aid Certificate, TAFE, Sydney Institute, Australia, 2012

Rhythm for Evolution, Ta Ke Ti Na, Sydney, Australia, 2008

Certificate Bush Flower Essences Practitioner, Sydney, Australia, 2007

Certificate in Bio cybernetics, Vibrational Medicine and Science of Consciousness, Sintergetica Medicine, Santiago, Chile, 2006

Certificate in Electromagnetism, Sintergetica Medicine, Santiago, Chile, 2006

Certificate in Bio circuits, Somatotopies and Reflexology, Sintergetica Medicine, Santiago, Chile, 2006

Certificate in Biology of the Light, Sintergetica Medicine, Santiago, Chile, 2006

Certificate in The Spirit of Synthesis in Clinical Practice, the New Paradigm and the Large Therapeutic Territories, Sintergetica Medicine, Santiago, Chile, 2005

Certificate in Colour Therapy Healing, Sintergetica Medicine, Medellin, Colombia, 2005

Vibration to Vitality and Breath Awareness, The Institute of Shamanic Psychotherapy, Toronto, Canada,2001

Traditional Elder’s Conferences Workshop, The Native Canadian Centre of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 1998

Healing in the Without Name Academy, Master Iván Taborga, Mapuche Medicine Healer, Chile, 1998

Ushui System of Natural Healing for Reiki, Santiago, Chile, 1995

Eastern Philosophy I CHING, Professor Ricardo André, Santiago, Chile. 1995.

Psychology in the Christian Academy University, Santiago, Chile, 1993

Certificate in Career Education for Women, Blacktown College of TAFE, Sydney, Australia, 1991-1992.

Theology for Novices, Philippines Nuns, Santiago, Chile, 1979 -1980

In addition, she has studies of Channelling, Psychomagic, Psychological Tarot

Participant in the following Sintergetica Medicine Healing Gatherings and Congresses:

Sintergetica Medicine Healing Gathering, Arica y Parinacota Region, Chile, 2014

* Sintergetica Medicine Healing Gathering, Curicó & Talca Valleys, Maule Region, Chile, 2011

* Sintergética Medicine Healing Gathering, La Serena-Valle del Elqui, Chile, 2010

* Sintergética Medicine Healing Gathering, Sierra de la Ventana, Argentina, 2010

* Sintergética Medicine Mini Healing Gathering. Uluru, Australia, 2010

* Sintergética Medicine Healing Gathering, Medellín, Bogotá, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, 2009

* Sintergética Medicine Healing Gathering, Camino de Santiago, Spain, 2008

* VI Sintergética Medicine Congress, Toledo, Spain, 2008

* Sintergética Medicine South Healing Gathering, Chiloé-Temuco, Chile, 2006

* III Sintergética Medicine Congress, Medellín, Colombia, 2005

Daniel Blázquez

  • Co-creator of Manos Healing Centre and the Circle of the Mountain Dreamers
  • Co-owner of San Rafael - Las Ñipas - Risco Bayo, Los Andes Mountains Farms
  • Labyrinths Builder

The Labyrinth (sevenfold labyrinth) as a movement of Life-Force Energy:

There are seven regions in it, which relates to the torus and to the beating of the human heart.

When you walk through it, you are forced to move through different states of consciousness, giving you a very specific experience.

It causes the life-force energy to move through the chakras in the following pattern: three, two, one, four, seven, six, five.

The energy starts in the third chakra, then goes to the second, then to the first; then it jumps up to the heart (fourth), then into the center of the head to the pineal gland (seventh), then to the front of the head to the pituitary gland (sixth), and then down into the throat (fifth).

When you walk this labyrinth, you will automatically move through these changes. Even if you don’t know about these things, you will go through the experiences anyway.

These labyrinths can be built with different materials for a temporary or permanent purpose, MHC has built them as required depending on the event aiming to gather donations to build and maintain a sacred place in Los Andes Mountains (Chile) for Spiritual and Personal Growth.

  • Sacred Geometry Lectures

These Lectures give an Introduction to Sintergética & Sacred Geometry

  • Los Andes Mountains-Shamanic Journeys Facilitator

Journey on horseback guided by Arrieros, spending time with horses will allow you to feel in your heart the meaning of companionship, achieving mutual trust and respect through language and love.

The Shamanic Journeys through sacred ceremonies as Active Meditation with Shamanic Drums, Rites of Rejuvenation, Sacred Geometry Labyrinth Consecration, Sound Healing Circle, will allow you to: Practise the physical coordination, establish the emotional stability and extend the coordination to the mental body, helping with this to the alignment of the bodies – physical, emotional and mental.

  • Los Andes Horse Rescue Initiative

‘Los Andes Horse Rescue’ is an initiative aimed at saving the horses in South America from being sold to the slaughter houses, initially in Chile, the Maule Region, where we are running the Shamanic Journeys.

With your support we are able to assure that they will never be killed, and never return to the situation and conditions that led them to needing rescuing.

The rescued horses are then set free to live in the green fields of the Maule Region where we own a beautiful land rich in nature.

When adopting a horse or giving a donation for the rescue of a horse you will be entitled to spend time with the horse and if going on a shamanic journey in the Andes Mountain, you can take the rescued horses with you.

These horses help us to heal; spending time with horses will allow you to feel in your heart the meaning of companionship, achieving mutual trust and respect through language and love. Humans are often scattered by their emotions, which ultimately can affect their self-esteem, their ability to make decisions and ability to cope with life in generally. In the horse, however, we can admire a quiet strength of mind with kind determination. He is always true to his nature, knowing he is the manifestation of the Great Spirit. (More information please follow the following link: Holistequine: Equine Assisted Therapy Combines the Joy of Horses with Service to Others in Healing.


  • Bachelor in Civil Engineering, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Engineering Faculty, Santiago, Chile, 1983
  • Post Graduate Course in Industrial Engineering (Just in Time Production Timing, Total Quality Control, Manufacturing Resource Planning), Sydney Institute of Technology, Sydney, Australia, 1992
  • Post Graduate Course in Energy Efficiency, (Demand Side Management), United States Environmental Training Institute, Los Angeles, USA, 1995
  • Post Graduate Course in Energy Economics, Energy Supply and Demand Outlook), The Institute of Energy Economics, Tokyo, Japan, 1996
  • Diploma of Building and Construction, Master Builders Association, Sydney, Australia, 2012

Participant in the following Sintergetica Medicine Healing Gatherings and Congresses:

*  Sintergetica Medicine Healing Gathering, Arica y Parinacota  Region, Chile, 2014

* Sintergetica Medicine Healing Gathering, Curicó & Talca Valleys, Maule Region, Chile, 2011

* Sintergetica Medicine Healing Gathering, Camino de Santiago, Spain, 2008

* VI Sintergetica Medicine Congress, Toledo, Spain, 2008

What to Bring and Know

What to Bring

Guidelines for the Shamanic Journey to Los Andes Mountains

1. Supply your own sleeping bag, small pillow (optional) and self-inflating mat (optional)

2. Please bring horseback riding gloves

3. Alforjas (saddlebags) to carry personal items will be provided, therefore, backpacks are not necessary for the journey to Los Andes Mountains

4. Do not over pack; clothes are very cheap and easier to buy there as you go

What to Know


•Shared room occupancy at Hacienda San Rafael

•2 and 3 people to one tent at Los Andes Mountains

•All foods included from day 1 to day 10

•Mules will transport all your gear during the horseback riding

•Porters will help you during the trip and our stay in the mountains

• A cook will accompany us during our stay in the Cordillera of the Andes

•Comfortable tents

•Individual tableware

•Guides: Arrieros and Healers

•Transport from Santiago to San Rafael round trip

• Transport from San Rafael to Los Andes Mountains round trip


•International flight to Santiago, Chile

•International airport taxes

•Individual sleeping bag, gear (pillow & self-inflating mat), waterproof poncho with hood and horseback riding gloves



Ž Hiking boots (a must)

Ž Wool socks, 2 pairs (you can buy at Santiago)

Ž Long underwear – synthetic, silk or wool (no cotton)

Ž Jeans

Ž Down vest if you have one (can also use as pillow)

Ž Warm jacket and/or down vest with layers of sweaters / or a Chilean wool Poncho (you can buy at Santiago)

Ž Sun hat (ball cap), warm hat (you can buy at Santiago) great for sleeping to keep head warm

Ž Waterproof poncho with hood


Ž Bathing suit for hot springs

Ž Shorts optional

Ž Slip on sandals or shoes

Ž Warm, light jacket or fleece sweat shirt


Ž Camera

Ž Sunscreen

Ž Lip balm

Ž Personal hygiene items

Ž Sunglasses

Ž Sleeping bag, small pillow (optional) and self-inflating mat (optional)

Ž Horseback riding gloves

Ž DiaryŽ

Ž 1 towel

Ž Water bottle

Ž Headlamp or torch

Ž A copy of your passport and flight reservation

Ž Passport


1) Weather: colder in the mornings and evenings and warmer in day. Temperature will range from 10-35 Celsius degrees.

2) Pack and dress accordingly. Bring clothes that you can layer.

3) You will be able to buy beautiful wool sweaters, socks and ponchos so do not over pack with bulk items best to buy when in Santiago before we go to the Shamanic Journey to Los Andes Mountains.

4) Currency: 1 Australian Dollar = 625 Chilean Peso (September 2024).

Please be aware of the currency as it can change. To be updated before departure.

The Arriero

Typical character of our land, moving around of Los Andes Mountains. These men are perhaps the genuine descendants of those groups of migrating pastors, which in their journeys from coast to mountain carry and round up their livestock in search of places with good water and better pasture.

Taciturn men of tanned faces by the sun and the snow that mounted on horseback and in mules, which wrap up with a wool poncho, that still conserve in their saddles the saddlebags and that use “rooster neck bone” spurs, who eat jerky and tortillas to embers, that drink mate, chicha and take ulpo, who know each herb, each step and each stone that is in your path and that know of spirits and elves; relict of past times that still maintain a code of customs and a solid body of traditions, locals who for their knowledge of the mountains have not only helped with the livestock, agriculture and mining, but also they are part of the history between other facts for help the patriots in their struggle for independence.

Yerba Mate

The amazing benefits of yerba mate in health:

Take the infusion of the yerba mate has formed part of the gastronomic tradition of several societies in the Southern Cone since ancient times.

Yerba mate contains caffeine in large quantities, as well as antioxidants, potassium, amino acids and vitamins. The main benefits of yerba mate in health are:

  • Aid in cardiovascular health. Thanks to the good amount of antioxidants, the mate can help prevent cardiovascular diseases by preventing cholesterol and fat accumulate in the arteries. This is an extremely important aspect of the consumption of this traditional beverage.
  • Increases "good" cholesterol. Related to the previous benefit, in a recent study conducted by the University of Illinois, it was demonstrated that the consumption of the mate increases the amount of "good" cholesterol. This type of cholesterol, also known as HDL, protects against heart attacks.
  • Helps to slow the aging process. By the same action of the antioxidants, the regular consumption of the mate helps prevent oxidation and wear of the cells.
  • Provides physical resistance. Take mate collaborates with the acceleration of metabolism, which is done by having the body consumes more quickly the carbohydrate. The increase in energy is due to both the burning of calories having been consumed with foods such as which are stored in the body in the form of fat.

The preparation

The most common way to consume this herb is precisely with the beverage called mate. The mate is prepared throwing the crushed dry leaves and twigs of the herb in hot water (not boiling).

Traditionally, is used a container also called mate, which consists of a pumpkin, and through a metal straw called bombilla take the drink. In the region it is common to meet with friends for drink mate. The consumption of the beverage, for many, is daily.